Vintage Maid Porn Videos

Maids bending over and getting their asses creampied

Retro maids getting fucked by their masters

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Ever wondered why maid porn was so popular during classical times? In the Victorian era, domestic service was the second largest job category after agricultural work.

Maids were available in almost every upper-class home, and the good men of the time created sexual fantasies around their female house servants because - why not! They were too available and sexy as well.

Soon enough, maid characters featured in porn, and so technically, maid porn was among the first porn categories made. We've got tantalizing vintage maid porn videos dating back to the Edwardian era.

The maids have this desirable submissive character, and they hardly say no to their masters whenever they're asked to fuck or join the naughty couple for a ménage à trois. They are flirtatious too, and the daring ones can seduce their masters and end up fucking them.

This category has vintage porn from the 1910s, stag films of the wild flappers-driven '20s, throughout the eighties. The maids wear skimpy uniforms, and others have sexy nylon stockings underneath. Others are sexier in uniform than the masters' housewives, which explains why their masters were quick to cheat on their wives with their housemaids.

Horny maids getting their dirty asses fucked in classic XXX movies

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